Housetraining for Puppies

Housetraining or “Potty Training” your puppy is an essential albeit often frustrating experience. This information is presented to help bring clarity to your situation in order to help you better tackle any challenges.  #1 - Your goal is to get your dog to...

Earth-Based Spirituality and Dogs

Together we have the opportunity to define a relationship between dogs and their families. That definition naturally is shaped by our relationship with earth. So to define earth-based spirituality in the context of our relationship with dogs, we must first...

A Harmonious Relationship in Dog Training

The earth is a complex natural environment where things co-exist in harmony. Dog training is a complex relationship between two species who don’t understand how to co-exist without adapting their communication methods. Continuing our understanding of dogs...

Your Dog is Your Mirror

Understanding your dog's behaviour is essential to a creating a partnership between species. Your dog has its own way of perceiving its environment, which includes your words, smells, body language, and reactions to the dog and your own environment....

A Case for Positive Dog Training

So you have a question about positive dog training versus balanced dog training, and you can't filter through the sales pitches and clickbait. Dog Training is a messy business. Anyone who claims that it is cut and dry is missing the beauty if not the stinging reality...

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