Pet Spiritual Counseling

I am so happy to provide this service in place of ‘animal communication’ for those seeking peace at their pet’s end of life or after death


What is spiritual counseling for pets? 


Many people experience anxiety and guilt around the loss of a beloved pet, including doubt, self-blame, shame, and loss of direction. 

With spiritual counseling I bring my training and certification in life coaching with my Catholic faith to help guide you along the process of preparing for or accepting the loss of a beloved pet. My experience as a dog trainer and knowledge of the veterinary world and its options can help empower people to know when to seek alternative therapies or prepare for the end. My role as spiritual counselor is to help you use the spiritual or religious system of that that you already have access to in order to help you ask and answer some of the tough questions you are struggling with. If you are struggling with your faith system, I can help you dig deeper into the process of reflection and discernment, and together we can pray for answers. 

What I don’t do – 

Many owners want the opportunity to psychically communicate with their furry family member shorty after they have passed. Animal communication was a service that I humbly provided to my clients over many years. As a counselor today I am careful to guide people to positive memories about their pet and avoid the pain of longing for the past. My focus is on helping the owner find peace by keeping present on today. While many people have found great comfort in the telepathic services I provided in the past, I have made the decision to help people come to great self-empowerment and spiritual strength by seeking God’s graces in helping you not only heal from the loss of your pet but learn, grow, and potentially spread love and healing to other people.  



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